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Energy practices, mental health tools, and so much more. If you implement what you find here, your life quality will shift beyond measure!

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       Mental Health                      Energetic Medicine


Indiiyah is a certified master energy healer, and life coach, close to finishing her Psychology Bsc, while partaking in courses from the best in the field of  Energy Medicine and Psychology. She also has extensive experience with the indigenous wisdom of South and Central America as well as healing herself from many issues that she was told were impossible. 

Introduction - why Light Warriors MUST maintain energetic and mental health.

Stress, the accepted “norm”. 


Just until recently a stressful life was pretty much either glorified as a sign of hustle and success or deemed necessary for those struggling to make ends meet. 

Relaxation has been viewed as a rare luxury or downright lazy! 

As a Zen saying state: 

“You should meditate for an hour every day. Except when you are busy, then you should meditate two.” 

I understand that for many of you just by reading this a long list of reasons will pop up, that are trying to convince you how hard or how impossible it is. 

But only YOU can make real changes and it must start within, with your willingness to seek solutions, so that your outer world can start reflecting it back to you. 

Life at the expense of your well-being is no life at all. 

Here is a list of non-negotiables, when it comes to life quality. And this list is true for stress, for trauma, anxiety, all life quality problems. 

  1.  MOVE YOUR BODY. Stretching should be done daily, and anything of your liking that makes you sweat, at least 2-3 times a week. Walking counts, just keep those steps rapid. There is no way around this one. Even. If you are bed-bound. There is always movement that can be done. 

  1. Stop looking at your “reasons” why you can’t do something. Plain and simple? Those are all excuses. Where there is will, there is always a way. 

  1. Watch what you are watching, listening to, and who you allow in your energy. We cannot live the old life and expect changes. You have to be determined to create (ALLOW) a new life for yourself. 

  1. Prioritize good sleep. Your human aspect needs it. Your nervous system needs it to regenerate. A tired personality/ego will always fuss. It will make things much harder. 

  1. What you eat influences your energy deeply. The cleaner, fresher and without animal products is your diet, the easier lifting your energy will be. 

  1. WATER, WATER, WATER- for your body, for your energetic well-being. Drink it, be in it, around it often.  


And now let’s go a little deeper and learn about our bodies, so that you can grow in patience and compassion. 

Mental Health

Let's talk about some common mental/energetic issues:

Self-Worth Affirmation Meditation:

4 Further support materials:

Energy Medicine

Energetic Practices for Daily Use

Taking care of your energy DAILY is simply non-negotiable as long as you are on this planet. The energy field of Earth is FULL. And there are endless energies that seek to take your energy and power. However, they have no power over you if you own and COMMAND your own energy. In the same way you wouldn't give your body to a stranger to do whatever with, your energy is YOUR own and your sacred garden, and it is your responsibility to protect and nourish it. I use these practices every day, and I can tell the difference when I don't. Once learned it takes mere minutes to complete them all. 


Do you have 2-3 times 5 minutes to change your life and be a magnet for miracles?

  •  Stand as straight as possible with the feet slightly apart and the arms resting at your side. 

  • Close your eyes and take in a deep breath. Upon the exhale, open up a golden pyramid at the base of the spine and allow it to release infinity symbols up the spine. 

  • Send the infinity symbols up into the center of the Exploded Crown Chakra, (approximately 6 inches above the head). 

  • Keep breathing and visualize your wings behind you. Allow them to fully form. Focus upon the shape, color, and size. 

  • Continue until the wings are well-defined. 

  • Open the eyes and relax the wrists by shaking them a few times. 

  • Slowly begin to raise the arms with the wrists very relaxed. Bring the arms all the way up to the top of your wings, and allow the hands to initiate the downward motion once you have reached the top. 

  • Repeat this at least three times. 

  • When you are half-way down during the third time, bring the hands to the front of the heart center in prayer position. (Hands together, fingers pointed up.) 

  • Take in a deep breath and upon the exhale, begin clapping. 

  • Continue clapping, breathing, and yes, even smiling until you feel the energy completion. 

  • Slowly bring your hands to your heart as you gather all of the divine energy from this process and allow your head to relax. 

  • Stand with your feet at shoulder width. 

  • Take in a deep breath and exhale as you all your arms to relax at your side. 

  • Be present to your divine nature as you Invite divine white light to ignite under the left foot and golden light to ignite at the right. 

  • With conscious awareness, SLOWLY pull the energies of both rays UP through your legs to the base of the spine. Take in a breath and simply experience this energy. 

  • Focusing on the two energies at the base of the spine, begin to breathe as you spiral the two energies UP through all the chakras and through the crown and they then flow out above you. 

  • Take a moment and sense yourself suspended by this divine harmony. 

  • Open your arms wide and push open your palms to ignite the chakras contained in your hands. (Demonstrated in the picture) 

  • Allow your head to naturally drift upward as if you are gazing at heaven as you call forth a ray of emerald green light into your heart to meet the white and gold spiraling energy that is pulsing through you. 

  • Breathe again as you Feel this unified energy extend through your arms and out your palm chakras fully illuminated your divine presence. 

BREATHE and experience yourself as the Living Ankh of Eternal Life and relax into the expansion as you reclaim your Peace Love and Joy 

  • Slowly bring your hands to your heart as you gather all of the divine energy from this process and allow your head to relax. 

The Container Energy Clearing



-Begin by calling in a deep centering breath to the heart.  

-Lift the left hand by your side and call in it the crystalline light. 

-Feel your heart open and ignite. 

-Raise the right hand high above the head with the palm facing you. 


Become aware of the energy which you are wishing to release. You may wish to call forth the energy of a stored hurt, or anger. You may also wish to release lack of clarity or any other condition of past or present experience. Once you call this energy forth, acknowledge it by declaring “I Love You”. This is an imperative step. 

Acknowledging with love circumvents polarizing judgments and allows the energy pattern to dissipate quickly. 


Sweep the right hand down in front of all the traditional chakras and 

visualize yourself releasing this energy into the container ( to the TOSA Mother container pictured below). 


Repeat this process as many times as needed to clear all that is present. There is no time limit. Know that you can always clear at anytime during the day whenever you feel the need to discharge energy. Simply stop what you are doing, take in a deep breath, raise your right hand, acknowledge the energy by saying, “I love you”, and send it to the container! 


It is important to use the right hand. You must remember this. The right hand is the hand that releases energy. Do not use the left hand. This is VERY important! The left hand should be held with palm open, allowing you to receive Divine Love, to be in connection as you release with the right hand. It is also best to stand when you are able. 

Mother Container at
TOSA Blue Mountain




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